Category: System

How to fix SSL problem in old macOS

Rename /etc/ssl/cert.pem to something else.

How to login via SSH without password

Login to local machine where passwordless login should be used from

How to use Git Submodule (Repository within a Repository)

In some projects we might need to have one or more third party libraries/packages or even our external reusable package(s) from a different repository.

How install & configure Squid Proxy Server on CentOS

Install To install Squid Proxy Server use next commands:

How to remove a file from Git history but keep it in a project

Sometime happen that we forget properly configure .gitignore file and keep tracking some file with sensitive data.

How to prepare a new HDD on Linux in exFAT file system type (create partition, format it and mount disk permanently) – Full instruction

How to extract the routes from video files to my google maps

Before we need to extract GPS coordinates from video files at first.

How to prettify bash output for Git on unix (oh-my-bash)

For this we need to install next open-source package:

How to manage multiple GitHub accounts using git on Windows and fix git push with wrong user name

Sometimes it happen when we have to use multiple GitHub accounts on a single machine, but it quite tricky to handle in a proper way. Let me describe full steps including some issues I’ve faced and its fixes.

Git – team dev workflow – sticky notes