How to login via SSH without password
Login to local machine where passwordless login should be used from
Login to local machine where passwordless login should be used from
Pepare Install required tool: Get ethernet interface Let’s assume it’s enp1s0 Check if the WOL is available: Set WOL on: After sudo ethtool enp1s0 the Wake-on: d should be changed to Wake-on: g But this will be reset after reboot, so: Make it permanent via service Get the ethtool executable’s full path by running which […]
Sometime happen that we forget properly configure .gitignore file and keep tracking some file with sensitive data.
If you’ve an IP Camera (or cameras) and want to loop record the stream it provides, or record a snapshot images at some intervals, or just both, then you’ve come to the right place!
For this we need to install next open-source package: